I wrote this many months ago in 2013.. re read it this morning and decided to post it here as there's food involved!! Photo will be uploaded on Friday morn!
Sizzle ,Crackle...almost there!1 |
for the meal to be served, having planned the order in those 10 minutes in the car. Dosas ,Iddlys and Vadas would disappear in a trice with the exception of Aninu’s Dosa which he would eat in tiny bits. I would of course help him along by breaking bigger bits of the Dosa and popping it into my mouth. It used to be a routine then to go for a short ride and then head back home with everyone (except Aninu) empathetically stating that they didn't need any lunch . Of course I would always do an inward eye roll cos come 2 PM rumblings would start.
These days,
however, breakfasts at Sangeetha’s are rare, as we live further away now from
most of the South Indian joints. So Fridays now see a different type of
breakfast for me. Fried Eggs and Whole
meal Bread.
Fried eggs .love
Its all in
the positioning , where the knife should gently tap the egg, to ensure that it doesn't go deep and accidentally slice through the
yolk and the delicate drop into the pan which has seen a small drizzle of Olive
oil . The sound of the eggs sizzling in the pan, while buttering the toasts
builds up my expectation. .Dash of salt and pepper and a final spray of water
into the pan quickly covering it and in the same motion turning of the fire and
we are done. While juice is poured into glasses, the slightly runny part just
outside the yolk area would have become just about done and the eggs are
plated. That’s it.. no fuss , no glamour, just plain ol fried egg
sunny side up with no wobbly , sticky stuff
on them. I am quite possessive,
as well , of my eggs.. it has to be done just so. And when someone else makes them …ehmm it
just doesn't taste the same and leaves me wanting more.
satisfaction of my Friday breakfast carries me through the next week, eating
and enjoying my prepared bowl of cut fruits everyday only cos I know come Friday,
I will wake up in the morning already hearing the sizzle of the eggs in the pan.
Truly there isn't any sound as beautiful on a Friday morning as those wonderful crackling sizzling eggs....
O yes , the
eggs? They need to be brown .No white ones for me.
A total sensory foodie experience.. Crackling for the ears, aroma for the nose, golden yolks for the eyes, soft fluffy feel and of course yummy for the mouth. Well done TT for transforming fried eggs to a different plane. FRIed eggs and FRIday - they seem named for each other..