A gala dinner concert
celebrating the 200th birth anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi also
marking the launch of the Rigoletto pen(
dare I just call it that and not (in a posh accent) ‘a writing instrument’ ??) from
For me, Montegrappa meant nothing until the invite was brought
home the day before in a typical Mahesh fashion. ‘’Listen, we have an invite to
this thing tomorrow and dress code is ‘’Elegant’’. So, that meant a day of frustration, turning
my wardrobe upside down looking for Elegance. (Sadly missing from my pile) Going back to this Montegrappa , so is it a
wine, Mahesh? It certainly sounds like one.
I was very quickly enrolled into a basic Montegrappa 101 course and was enlightened.
Our attempt at Elegance!! |
The dinner concert was held at the very fancy Raffles hotel
which was amazing in its grandeur. It was our first time there as well which
made the experience even more brilliant.
It was clearly a very classy affair. Met at the door by beautiful women to
formally welcome us, a line of waiters
holding out flutes of bubbly and the
works.(Now why didn't I take that flute off the tray with arched eyebrows and a
propah’ thank you’ ,I wonder,) I was too
busy taking everything and everyone in. Beautiful men and women standing
around holding flutes of bubbly, looking like they belonged there. It was a bit daunting but dear Philippe was a fantastic
host and escorted us towards familiar faces.
The hall was arranged in a formal round table seating with
the tables beautifully dressed with a fantastic centre piece, bottles of wine, different glasses and a confusing array of cutlery (
remembered the rule of starting from the end ) Table 15 was nicely placed towards the front of the
hall and we had an excellent view of the orchestra.
Already served on the table when we sat down were the entrees.
Buffalo Mozzarella and Burrate with heirloom tomatoes, fresh
Basil, Avocado and Olives from Gaeta.(of course it had to be from Italy right?) Sadly I forgot to take a pic of the same. But it lived up to
its description, the tricolor (green, red and white) ensemble dressed in a light vinaigrette was delicious
. The heirloom tomatoes tasted different to the ones that we normally use for
salads. Of course I had to look it up.
According to Wiki “ An heirloom
tomato is an open pollinated , (non-hybrid) variety of the
tomato propogated and grown in isolated communities , probably grown during early periods in
human history , certainly not grown in large scale agriculture. Increasingly
popular and more readily available in recent years, they are grown for a
variety of reasons, such as historical interest, access to wider varieties, and
by people who wish to save seeds from year to year, as well as for their taste,
which is widely perceived to be better than modern tomatoes
So we had historical tomatoes!
Soon after the plates were taken away, the concert started
with a video of G. Verdi and of course
cleverly flowing into the Montegrappa history as well. I have to be honest
here, some of the pens looked ugly and
thick and I wonder how comfortable it is to actually write with it . The
music was really nice but must admit that the ladies sang way better than the men.
Of course they weren't Pavarotti or Bocelli
but they were good . The
arrangement was done very thoughtfully as well , short ,dramatic, playful excepts
from Verdi’s different compositions with quite a few from Rigoletto.(seeing that
Montegrappa was celebrating their
Rigoletto pens). It was very enjoyable and the singers had the audience spellbound.
Soon after the 1st act was over and the
performers left the stage, the next group of performers, read waiters came
around with the main course. Perfectly synchronized , they placed the plates
down with a flourish at our table in unison. (Fantastico!)
Roast chicken, Asparagus, Potato & Pumpkin tart, aged
Balsamic Jus, at the right temperature. Tender
chicken with the jus and Asparagus created a wonderful explosion of flavours
and I had the urge to savour every mouthful and not hurry through it. The
pumpkin/potato tart was crisp on the outside and soft and mushy inside . I especially
enjoyed the pumpkin, not being a big fan of potatoes. In short keeping the
elegance and classiness of the event in mind, it was rather delightful , I say.
The bearers were excellent in not being ‘seen’ but suddenly there
to dramatically whisk the plates away all the time, perfectly in sync. Act 2
followed soon after. I decided to try
the wine that was on our table and I must say I liked it, not sweet, slightly
dry. Sorry fellow foodies, neither M or I can remember the name of the wine.
The finale , the desert (not the performance) was a layered Almond
Sponge , topped with Orange Sorbet and biscotti completed a wonderful dining experience
It was a fabulous night out . I am really thankful that M
and I got to experience such a wonderful
classy concert dinner with extremely powerful music , scrumptious fare , great company
and of course with one another too.
Psst we also got return gifts.(No, not pens ,..opps I do
aplogise ,no, not writing instruments )Guess!
Well done. Your fantastic writing has taken us also there.. The dishes look awesome and the "Elegant Couple" look is classic. Iam sure others must be blogging about the elegant couple they saw there, rather than the food. Sounds like both of you were transported to Italy and back..